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I produced for my pdfid and pdf-parser tools, you can find them on. There are translations of this page, see. This tool will parse a PDF document to identify the used in the analyzed file. It will not render a PDF document. The code of the parser is quick-and-dirty, I’m not recommending this as text book case for PDF parsers, but it gets the job done. You can see the parser in action in. The stats option display statistics of the objects found in the PDF document.
Use this to identify PDF documents with unusual/unexpected objects, or to classify PDF documents. For example, I generated statistics for 2 malicious PDF files, and although they were very different in content and size, the statistics were identical, proving that they used the same attack vector and shared the same origin. The search option searches for a string in indirect objects (not inside the stream of indirect objects). The search is not case-sensitive, and is susceptible to the (as I’ve yet to encounter these obfuscation techniques in the wild, I decided no to resort to canonicalization). Filter option applies the filter(s) to the stream. For the moment, only FlateDecode is supported (e.g.
Zlib decompression). The raw option makes pdf-parser output raw data (e.g. Not the printable Python representation).
Objects outputs the data of the indirect object which ID was specified. This ID is not version dependent. If more than one object have the same ID (disregarding the version), all these objects will be outputted. Reference allows you to select all objects referencing the specified indirect object. This ID is not version dependent.
Stevens Zanesena Pdf Free
Type allows you to select all objects of a given type. The type is a Name and as such is case-sensitive and must start with a slash-character (/). MD5: 7702EEA1C6173CB2E91AB88C5013FAF1 SHA256: 3424E6939E79CB597D32F405E2D75B2E42EF7629750D5DFB39927D5C132446EF make-pdf tools allows one to create a simple PDF document with embedded JavaScript that will execute upon opening of the PDF document. It’s essentially glue-code for the module which contains a class with methods to create headers, indirect objects, stream objects, trailers and XREFs. If you execute it without options, it will generate a PDF document with JavaScript to display a message box (calling app.alert).
To provide your own JavaScript, use option –javascript for a script on the command line, or –javascriptfile for a script contained in a file. creates a PDF file with an embedded file. Download: MD5: 73DBC0CEC9A425DE3317EB48B9A7EA81 SHA256: DCEA54C2C28C6262DED616663B83DC158F74F27F509E This tool is not a PDF parser, but it will scan a file to look for certain PDF keywords, allowing you to identify PDF documents that contain (for example) JavaScript or execute an action when opened.
PDFiD will also handle. The idea is to use this tool first to triage PDF documents, and then. An important design criterium for this program is simplicity. Parsing a PDF document completely requires a very complex program, and hence it is bound to contain many (security) bugs. To avoid the risk of getting exploited, I decided to keep this program very simple (it is even simpler than PDFiD will scan a PDF document for a given list of strings and count the occurrences (total and obfuscated) of each word:.
obj. endobj. stream. endstream. xref. trailer. startxref.
/Page. /Encrypt. /ObjStm. /JS. /JavaScript. /AA.
/OpenAction. /JBIG2Decode. /RichMedia. /Launch. /XFA Almost every PDF documents will contain the first 7 words (obj through startxref), and to a lesser extent stream and endstream. I’ve found a couple of PDF documents without xref or trailer, but these are rare (BTW, this is not an indication of a malicious PDF document). /Page gives an indication of the number of pages in the PDF document.
Most malicious PDF document have only one page. /Encrypt indicates that the PDF document has DRM or needs a password to be read.
/ObjStm counts the number of object streams. An object stream is a stream object that can contain other objects, and can therefor be used to obfuscate objects (by using different filters). /JS and /JavaScript indicate that the PDF document contains JavaScript. Almost all malicious PDF documents that I’ve found in the wild contain JavaScript (to exploit a JavaScript vulnerability and/or to execute a heap spray). Of course, you can also find JavaScript in PDF documents without malicious intend. /AA and /OpenAction indicate an automatic action to be performed when the page/document is viewed.
All malicious PDF documents with JavaScript I’ve seen in the wild had an automatic action to launch the JavaScript without user interaction. The combination of automatic action and JavaScript makes a PDF document very suspicious.
/JBIG2Decode indicates if the PDF document uses JBIG2 compression. This is not necessarily and indication of a malicious PDF document, but requires further investigation.
/RichMedia is for embedded Flash. /Launch counts launch actions. /XFA is for XML Forms Architecture. A number that appears between parentheses after the counter represents the number of obfuscated occurrences.
For example, /JBIG2Decode 1(1) tells you that the PDF document contains the name /JBIG2Decode and that it was obfuscated (using hexcodes, e.g. BTW, all the counters can be skewed if the PDF document is saved with. Because PDFiD is just a string scanner (supporting name obfuscation), it will also generate false positives. For example, a simple text file starting with%PDF-1.1 and containing words from the list will also be identified as a PDF document. Download: MD5: 20614B3D867AA8F1C87D4E SHA256: FBF668779A946C70E6C303417AFA91B1F8A672C0293F855EF85B0E347D3F3259 This is a template for the PDF file format.
It’s particularly useful for malformed PDF files, like this example with PDFUnknown structures: Download: MD5: C1ACA9C17C2AE2579FCFEB SHA256: 24C4FEAD2CABAD82EC336DDCFD404915E164D7B48FBA7BA1295E12BBAF8EB15D Translations. I’d like to be able to view a scanned pdf file (with handwriting in some fields) and black out boxes on the form whose fields contain info I don’t want published. Can that kind of thing be automated in a batch so that I don’t even have to open the files? That would be cool Can you point me in the right direction? I’m not looking for you to code, but sending me in the right direction for this would be useful, and it looks like you’re cognizant of this kind of information. Comment by james — Friday 21 November 2008 @.
Hello — I am using pdf-parser and python for the first time so please excuse my ignorance. I’m using Python 3.0.1 on Windows XP. I’ve copied the file into the C: Python30 directory which contains the python executable.
Below is the error I get when attempting to execute your utility: C: Python30python.exe File “”, line 180 print ‘todo 1:%s’% (self.token1 + self.token21) ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax ———— Any ideas? Thanks for your time. Comment by Mike — Tuesday 5 May 2009 @. Hello — I’m now using Python 2.6.2. It appears to be working, however I am getting so much output from every pdf I examine, I wonder if I am doing something wrong. My syntax is –search javascript malware.pdf The utility spits out hundreds maybe thousands of lines of returned information. At the very top there appears to be useful data, however there are hundreds of lines that look like: todo 10: 3 ‘X1 x1e x1b x03 x12 x05X60B Am I doing something incorrectly here or is there a way to filter the rest of this data out?
Thanks for your help. PS, I watched your video on pdf-parser and it doesn’t have any audio.
Comment by Mike — Thursday 7 May 2009 @. Im getting errors when running the python script: C: Documents and Settings yo Desktop Tools File “C: Documents and Settings yo Desktop Tools pdf”, line 198 print ‘todo 1:%s’% (self.token1 + self.token21) ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax Im getting errors when trying to run the script.
Im using activepyton 3.1 on windows xp. Launching it from the commandline. Was there any recent modifications which broke the script? Thanks Comment by Dave — Friday 17 July 2009 @.
Hey Didier, Thanks for excellent tool and great PDF analysis blog. I enjoyed every minute and in addition I have become much more paranoid when it comes to carelessly downloading tons of PDF material. Now I run all my PDFs through your “pdfid” tool, if I have downloaded anything from a suspicious site But I can’t help thinking that this should be implemented as an automatic plug-in/add-on to Firefox? You know, when you click on PDFs, they usually automatically open in the browser, which is nice if it was safe. But in the cyber-war era of today it is simply very bad, at it’s best! Comment by E:V:A — Saturday 16 January 2010 @. Is the File Size limited?
Everytime i scan larger PDF files i get exceptions like this:.Error occured. Traceback (most recent call last): File “C: PDFtools”, line 363, in PDFiD (bytesHeader, pdfHeader) = FindPDFHeaderRelaxed(oBinaryFile) File “C: PDFtools”, line 218, in FindPDFHeaderRelaxed bytes = oBinaryFile.bytes(1024) File “C: PDFtools”, line 70, in bytes inbytes = – len(self.ungetted)) IOError: Errno 9 Bad file descriptor Comment by sheldor — Monday 8 February 2010 @.
With PDFiD, I’ve noticed I get a lot of false positives on the /JS and /AA tags, since in most cases (that I’ve looked at) they seem to be simply text in a compressed image or something similar. I haven’t seen a /JS used on it’s own for Javascript, but it does seem that if there is a /JS then there is also a /S/JavaScript to go with it.
Is this always the case, or just in the samples I’ve looked at so far (same applies for AA)? Finding the text JavaScript is much less likely to lead to a false positive than JS. Comment by Russell — Monday 28 June 2010 @.

Possible bug: PDFiD fails sometime in cPDFEOF when using –extra option for entropy, stating cntCharsAfterLastEOF doesn’t exist. Defining it in init seems to fix the issue.
Other Notes: Is it possible to use pdf-parser to parse pdf-parser output? For example, I can see a use of this when using pdf-parser to obtain contents of object streams, but then it would be nice if it were possible to use pdf-parser on THAT output to display all Launch commands, for example (similar to piping into PDFiD, but actually seeing the contents instead of just the count). Then again, object stream structure is a bit different so perhaps that’s why it doesn’t play nice. I haven’t figured it out yet Comment by Russell — Thursday 15 July 2010 @. Didier Stevens’ PDF tools Over the weekend, I was reading Didier Stevens’ chapter on malicious PDF analysis and I have to give credit to him to break down the technical part of a PDF into something simple and easy to understand (er maybe I am the only one who is coming to term with PDF for the first time). Reading the article brought me to his PDF-tools. Pdfid and pdf-parser is definitely a must try if you really want to get your hands-on on PDF analysis.
Pingback by — Sunday 3 October 2010 @. A couple of observations about First, it is very slow on files which have large images embedded in them.
Stevens Pass
I think this comes from the tokenizer code which contains lines such as self.token = self.token + chr(self.byte) There is a good analysis of the speed of this compared to other methods. When I changed it so that self.token is a StringIO buffer, I got an huge increase in speed. In particular, one file which has not completed parsing after 30 minutes was now processed in a few seconds.
Secondly, I noticed that Decompress was not called on some stream data. This turned out to be because the stream was ASCII85 encoded and ended like this: T.5.QV#Ts4Iendstream Note that there is no end of line character between the ASCII85 end marker and the endstream keyword. According to the PDF 1.7 specification, this is not approved of but is allowed: “It is recommended that there be an end-of-line marker after the data and before endstream; this marker is not included in the stream length.” on page 61 of.
The file in question was generated by reportlab. My first thought for fixing this was to change if self.contenti0 CHARREGULAR and self.contenti1 ‘endstream’: to if self.contenti0 CHARREGULAR and self.contenti1.endswith(‘endstream’) and then trimming the keyword off the data. However, this does not work, as self.contenti1 actually ends with a newline character, and self.contenti0 has the value CHARDELIMITER. Something like if self.contenti1.strip.endswith(‘endstream’): end = self.contenti1.rindex(‘endstream’) data += self.contenti1:end might do the job, though it’s ugly. The ideal solution would really be to use the length attribute from the dictionary, though this seems to be a bigger change. Otherwise, the code looks great, and is really helping me with a project I am working on. Comment by David Elworthy — Tuesday 1 January 2013 @.
My end goal is writing a scanner application which will build archive versions of documents from photographs of pages. I’m a long way off this, and so was using a PDF build from some photos of landscapes, but even so the files were only a few megabytes.
Eventually I want to generate my own PDFs, as I don’t much like reportlab and pyPDF, but for now reportlab is what I am using. I was looking at your code as a way of understanding the file format. As a shorter term project, I also want to write something which willtake files with 600 dpi images from a flatbed scanner and either downsample them to a lower dpi or increase the JPEG compression, as I sometimes find the 600 dpi scans (which are meant to be archive quality) are a bit large for emailing when there’s a lot of pages.
Of course there are plenty of applications which allow you to manipulate PDFs interactively, but I’m a command line kind of guy, so a python script would be ideal. Comment by David Elworthy — Tuesday 1 January 2013 @. @Phil OK, I was sure you used option -a. You have to know that PDF readers like Adobe Reader do not allow you to extract executable files. To determine if a file is executable or not, Adobe Reader looks at the extension.
So you can’t extract.exe files (unless you change the extension to something that is not executable, like.txt). Option -a instructs my tool to add JavaScript to the PDF document to extract the embedded file automatically. But since this is not allowed for an.exe file, the script fails, and that is what you see in the error messages. FYI because you are doing this on OSX: Python (.py) is allowed as executable file type. Comment by — Wednesday 13 March 2013 @. Suspected that much. Was able to unpackage Acrobat to determine the list of disallowed extensions.
@Didier: Great! Sure enough there were some missing stuff in there, but there were 6 counts of “EOF%%” but I can only tell any obvious difference between the 1st and 2nd versions. The later ones “look” the same. I wish there were some kind of more visual PDF diffing utility BTW. I got the offsets by: strings -n 4 -t x -e s weird.pdf grep -i -E “%%EOF” Then extracted the versions with: dd if=weird.pdf of=weirda.pdf bs= count=1 Thanks again. Sorry, I can’t attend your training as I live very far away.
Comment by CurlyBird — Thursday 5 September 2013 @. Hello Didier.I don’t know anything in Python and in pdf security Today i downloaded a pdf file. When i opened it, “cmd” appeared and many lines displayed quickly inside Soi have to check this strange pdf file So i installed Python 3.3.2 (my pc’s OS is Windows 7) but i have a problem when i test: C: Python33python.exe File “”, line 486 except zlib.error, e: ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax Thanks for your help. It’s very importan and urgent for me to check this file and to know if my pc has a problem. Mathias Comment by Mathias Rollet — Saturday 7 September 2013 @. Hi Didier, I find the interesting but I am having a difficult time trying to get it to work. I have a VM with Windows XP installed and python 2.6.6 installed and appears to be working fine.

If I enter PDFiD MyFile.pdf I get a syntax error. Although your example shows PDFiD 0.0.2 test.pdf I just don’t understand what significance the number has and what the correct syntax is to get my example to work. Another example I’m having difficulties with is that should work by implementing MyFile.pdf –search=javascript. Any help would be greatly appreciated Thanks, Michael Comment by Michael — Sunday 26 January 2014 @. Didier, Thanks for getting back to me so soon! Below will be the syntax errors: Example 1: PDFiD Python 2.6.6 (r266:84297, Aug 24 2010, 18:46:32) MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel) on win32 Type “help”, “copyright”, “credits” or “license” for more information.
PDFiD TheFlyv3EN4Rdr.pdf File “”, line 1 PDFiD TheFlyv3EN4Rdr.pdf ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax Example 2: TheFlyv3EN4Rdr.pdf –search=javascript File “”, line 1 TheFlyv3EN4Rdr.pdf –search=javascript ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax Thanks, Michael Comment by Michael — Sunday 26 January 2014 @. Didier, I need some help. Game little fighter reborn 1.9. I have recently upgraded to Adobe XI and some of my previously OK adobe pdf files now cannot be read. Adobe indicate that they have increased “security” and enforced some compliance in their document headers. I have gone back though my useful bits of software that may be able to help me and come across your 010 editor. I have compared a couple of files that are ok and still working but I am not able to spot any significant differences (other than length, width height etc.).
Have you com across this problem before? Any ideas as to how to resolve the problem. BTW the file is quite large 25MB and my programming skills are now quite poor – used to be an assembler / c programmer about 20 years ago!!! Comment by Paul Kirikal — Sunday 24 August 2014 @. Regarding to the 232 question i have this error C: Users Test MultiplePages.pdf Traceback (most recent call last): File “C: Users Test Desktop”, line 20, in import zipfile File “C: Python27 lib”, line 4, in import struct, os, time, sys, shutil File “C: Python27 lib”, line 12, in import collections File “C: Python27 lib”, line 12, in import heapq as heapq ImportError: No module named heapq Comment by Suleiman Khitan — Friday 3 October 2014 @. Got an error: C: Users root Downloadspython -w pagrindinisbrezinys.pdf PDF Comment%PDF-1.5 Traceback (most recent call last): File “”, line 1201, in Main File “”, line 1094, in Main print(‘PDF Comment%s’% FormatOutput(object.comment, options.raw)) File “C: Python33 lib encodings”, line 19, in encode return codecs.charmapencode(input,self.errors,encodingmap)0 UnicodeEncodeError: ‘charmap’ codec can’t encode characters in position 13-15: c haracter maps to Comment by Donatas — Thursday 19 March 2015 @. Thanks for the great tool.
Hi Didier, I recently received a PDF document that I have attempted to analyze using your tools. When opened, it was obvious that the document has a link to a credential harvesting site that it tempts users to click on.
However, using pdf-parser, I am unable to locate the URI object. I attempted to decompress the 4 object streams but received errors relating to unexpected compression method. I then attempted to follow the method you posted regarding the handling of special PDF compression methods but also to no avail. Is this a new technique or is there something I have missed? Of note, there appears to be some form of DRM/encryption also applied as there are also 2 /Encrypt objects. I have uploaded the file to VT (SHA 256: 7d2b615630efd2fa3713d97e57afb9972f43e7d4a67cc706af7c789dd1dbe47f) if you are interested in taking a look. Tom Comment by Tom — Thursday 5 January 2017 @.
Hi Didier, I’m wondering if you’ve released any new versions of and Kali folks just released, for free, “Kali linux revealed” and I wanted to take a look, however, hangs while trying to analyze this file.
Hey Didier, Great work, BTW. I had a suggestion for what I think would be a useful feature for pdfid.
In addition to the strings you’re currently counting, also count “/URI (http”. I think that all of the malicious PDF files I’ve seen for the last couple of years have just been vehicles to get malicious links past email filtering. It would be useful as well, to actually parse out the links, as pdf-parser does, but that’s probably beyond your intended scope for this tool. Another possible alternate way to do this would be to count only ‘suspicious’ http URI values, such as those using bare IP addresses, shortened URLs, or other criteria. Thanks John McCash Comment by — Thursday 21 September 2017 @.