Easyheat Testo Crack
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Carbon Monoxide Alarms Save Lives. If you are involved in home energy auditing, building science, weatherization or HVAC, you should be installing and carrying low level CO alarms. Every home you test and tighten is a liability.
Testing and retesting my not minimize your liability to the levels that you and your insurance company desire and your customers expect. Because homes are dynamic they need to be treated as so.
Even the best contractors cannot predict every characteristic that a home will have or that will change after air sealing, insulating, installing new HVAC equipment, HVAC servicing, changing windows or door or siding. That is the primary reason a low level CO detector should be installed on every job your company is involved with. What is Carbon Monoxide?. Carbon Monoxide is rightful called the silent killer. Carbon Monoxide (CO) is odorless, colorless, tasteless and moves with the air (does not stratify).
Only specially designed gas sensors effectively detect the presence of CO. CO poison accumulates in the body so low level exposure over longer periods can be just as harmful as a high level exposure over a shorter period. Why an “off the shelf” detector is not enough. US and Canadian alarm standards (UL 2034 and CSA6.19) call for:. No displays under 30+ PPM (parts per million). No alarms at 70+ PPM for 60 to 240 minutes (1 to 4 hours). No alarms at 150+ PPM for 10 to 50 minutes.
No alarms at 400+ PPM for 4 to 15 minutes YET CO becomes (dangerous) toxic for healthy individuals at concentrations more than 50 ppm with continuous exposure over an eight hour period according to the US Occupational Safety and Healthy Administration (OSHA). Reactions to exposure to 70 to 100 ppm CO over a few hours include flu-like symptoms such as headaches, irritated eyes and a runny nose. Exposure to 150 to 300 ppm CO may produce dizziness, sleepiness and nausea. Exposure to more than 400 ppm CO may result in unconsciousness, brain damage and death. Low level CO detectors are designed to protect you and your customers by alarming far below the UL listing standard.
They are an easy up-sell for a tighter home. The Pt100 temperature probe on the Testo 500 series refrigeration instruments has been carefully designed to work under a wide range of applications while providing the fastest temperature response in the industry. The platinum based 4 wire construction of the sensor has exceptionally low mass and is shielded from electrical interference from ghost voltages or static electricity that are both common in refrigeration systems. When plugged into the instrument, an o-ring provides a liquid tight seal that will protect the instrument from water damage in the elements. By design, the ceramic sensor only requires a slight pressure to achieve positive contact with the refrigerant line to get an accurate temperature response. Because the temperature probe is constructed of ceramic, a very hard material, the probe has a tendency to rotate easily, and even by its own weight.
Adjusting the tension of the spring to increase the clamping force is not recommended because it could crack the brittle ceramic sensor. (We found out the hard way!) Adjusting the clamping force will have little effect on the grip of the sensor as it is the hardness of the materials used for construction that do not allow it to grip the line. If desired, a small piece of 1/8” silicone can be places around the probe clamp to curtail this problem. We found this especially helpful when working on smaller refrigeration systems. Because the resistance of a Pt100 sensor bears an absolute relationship to temperature, unlike a thermocouple whose output depends on the difference between the hot junction and cold junction or a thermistor that is not linear over a wide temperature ranges, no special compensating circuit needs to be provided in the electronics.
In short, the Pt100 has a wide operating range, excellent accuracy, good linearity, excellent physical strength, long-term stability, and is the preferred sensor for all industrial processes where accuracy and repeatability are required. Pt100 probes may be replaced without recalibration of the RSA instruments. Sensors are available in lengths up to 40 feet.
The Velcro-elastic strap provides insulation from ambient air along with positive contact to the refrigeration line from ¼” to 3” in diameter. Air and immersion probes are available to further enhance your testing applications.
When measuring temperature probe position becomes critical for accurate troubleshooting. The Testo 500 series is designed to provide real-time measurement of pressure and temperature, and will respond to even the slightest variances in line temperature due to refrigerant flashing in the suction line (slugging). Oil traveling back to the compressor at the bottom of horizontal runs will also affect the temperature measurement as oil is an excellent insulator. When checking a TXV equipped system, we recommend that the probe is mounted with the temperature sensor in line with the thermostatic sensing element of the valve (Usually 3-7 o’clock) as close to the element as possible. This will provide the most accurate information on the TXV operation.
When measuring liquid line temperature, the clock position of the probe is not critical. Some thought on combustion testing. When performing a combustion test, one of the most important concepts to understand is stability of the combustion process. If the combustion process is not stable, it is not safe.
Once a flame is established, the burner should quickly reach study state operation and not be affected by factors external to it. While the combustion process is not adjustable, it is dynamic. Many factors of the installation and operation can and do affect the combustion process. Without verifying that the combustion process is safe, stable and within the manufacturer or industry standard guidelines you are putting yourself and your customers at risk.
Simply, what you cannot see can hurt you, so the only way to know is to measure. When looking at the recording above done with a Testo 330, it is easy to see that the O2 and the stack temperature are unstable. These measurements we made on a commercial boiler that is being subjected to depressurization of the combustion air zone (CAZ).
As can be seen, when the O2 dropped to its lowest point, the CO made a rapid increase as incomplete combustion occurred. What is most interesting is the fact that the changes in O2 do not cause a change in the CO until the O2 level drops to about 7% for this burner.
If you were just observing the CO and not watching the O2, you would miss a telltale sign of a serious combustion problem. This is easily seen with the 330 with easy heat software in the online mode, but it can also be observed on the 327 or 325M if the technician carefully watches the O2 level and monitor the CO air-free.
At no time should a residential or commercial burner used for heating produce a stack level CO reading above 400 ppm air free (COAF) Above is a boiler operating normally. A stable O2, stack temperature and a CO level close to 0 ppm show ideal combustion. The moral of the story. If the combustion process is not stable, it is not safe. It is the responsibility of the technician to determine what is affecting the process and eliminate the cause.
Anything else is providing substandard service. The testo 330 and the 327 do a lot more than measure CO, make sure you get the most out of your investment. Making and interpreting measurements is a crucial part of any job involving service, installation, design verification, engineering, or factory support of HVAC/R equipment.
When it comes to verifying proper operation of the installed equipment it is critical that measurements made in the field are just as accurate as those made the laboratory. At Trutech we believe that we all have an obligation to assure that the equipment is operating at peak performance levels for the benefit of consumers and end users of HVAC/R equipment, equipment manufacturers, utilities, the nation’s energy future and the environment.
Today, most AC & refrigeration equipment is still being serviced and adjusted with traditional mechanical manometers and manifold gauge sets using limited resolution temperature pressure charts or hard-to-read refrigerant gauge scales to determine evaporation and condensation temperatures. Measurement errors can be the result of interpolation errors, calibration errors, poor repeatability of the measurement, and most importantly not having a procedure in place to consistently repeat the measurement process. Before one can rely on these measurements, it is imperative that the same results can be obtained by anyone using similar instrumentation. Facts Air conditioning is not theory; it is a collection of scientific facts. It combines physics, chemistry, and earth science. We are concerned with the science of HVACR. Science involves proven scientific facts that are repeatable anywhere in the world.
For example, “pure” water will boil at 212 ° F (or 100 ° C) anywhere in the world at sea level. Air conditioning is a well-proven science, and nothing more than that. As with any science you must master the scientific principles, terminology, and mathematical relationships to fully understand what is happening.
Start with the basics As you approach the task at hand, it is important to master the basics or fundamentals first. It will always come back to that. Many times a young mechanic finds the problem before a seasoned mechanic just because the young mechanic has recently mastered the basics and is looking for the simple problem that the seasoned technician has overlooked. Additionally, a seasoned technician may see the problem, remark on it then completely pass it by because they think it can’t be that simple. To be a good mechanic it is important to use your senses to troubleshoot the equipment; to look, listen, touch the lines (refrigerant lines not electrical lines!), make measurements and compare them to a known. Form a concept in your mind about what is happening, and then use the science you have learned, and the measurements you have made to either prove or disprove the concept.
Measurement Technology: Why go digital? Many service technicians are reluctant to use digital instruments; there is a certain comfort in using what we are used to. The truth is digital instruments are faster, more accurate, more reliable, and have a higher repeatability than analog tools. Digital instruments stay in calibration, allow trending, allow more complex functions and save time. Digital instruments allow data to be recorded and reported with out human error, and provide reliable and accurate results for you and your customers.
Data can be recorded much faster than any technician could ever do the calculations and data can also be recorded whether or not the technician is there to see it. In most cases, the data is an un-editable record, so what you see was what was measured at the jobsite.
System trends and symptoms can be recorded with the function of time allowing the user to track cycles, and determine if other systems external to the refrigeration system like automation or shift changes are the cause of the problem. Permanent records allow the user to track system changes and determine if the system is operating within the design parameters or if changes have taken place. YOU CAN TRUST YOUR DIGITAL TOOLS!! Using the Testo 523/556/560 refrigeration analyzer is no different than using a conventional manifold gauge set, yet the system operation information available to the user is far superior. The high and low side connections are attached to their respective sides, and the readout of the refrigerant pressures and saturation temperatures are displayed. The analyzer reads pressure and temperature only, so it is important that the refrigerant is known before verifying the saturation temperature as the 523/556/560 calculates the refrigeration saturation temperature. The refrigerant selection can be changed any time during the analyzer use.
A temperature sensor (attached to the temperature probe port) will allow the 523/556/560 to calculate refrigerant superheat or subcooling and/or measure surface, fluid or air temperature with an auxiliary probe attached. The Testo 523/556/560 is a laboratory-accurate instrument designed for use in the field by all refrigeration and air conditioning service technicians.
The 523/556/560 is designed to replace your existing manifold set, and should be the first tool of choice when working on refrigeration systems as additional information on system operation, and an operational performance curve can be obtained when desired. Going digital may feel awkward at first. From experience you know approximately where your gauge pressures should be. Sometimes, unless the pressures are outside of the normal operating range, you may not even pay attention to the actual system pressures.
A large part of the problem is that the user interprets analog gauges. Secondly, they are only an indicator of the approximate pressure. If 10 users were to attach their gauges to an operating refrigeration system, even if all were calibrated, there would be a range of pressures and saturation temperatures interpreted by the users. (We know, we have tried this!) Digital leaves no room for interpretation; it is what it is. With digital, you will find yourself setting up the equipment exactly to the manufacturer’s specifications because you can. If the manufacturer calls for 8 ° of subcooling, you can charge the system to exactly 8 °.
There is no learning curve beyond learning to navigate the menus of the analyzer. When using the software it is important to not let the amount of information obtained by the system analyzer overwhelm you. The Testo 556/560 can measure and store 1000’s snapshots of the system operation including the high and low side pressures, corresponding saturation temperatures, actual measured temperatures, and the calculated superheat or subcooling at any given instant during system operation. All of the information can be displayed graphically on one page in the EasyKool PC software.
This allows the user to see the big picture, and notice things like TEV hunting, pressures rising or falling, cycling, and see when the system has reached steady state operating efficiency. All or part of the information can be displayed at once making it easy for the service technician, installer or lab technician to view the suspected problem in greater detail than ever before. Using the refrigeration system analyzer will forever change to way you troubleshoot refrigeration/air-conditioning problems, as you will have a “digital window” into the refrigeration system. Portions excerpted from the Testo A/C Applications Guide Used with permission. It has been four years since the US introduction of the first generation of Testo refrigeration products.
Our new generation of the Testo line of refrigeration system analyzers (RSA’s) will continue to change the way the HVAC/R world troubleshoots, commissions and services AC & refrigeration systems. Although the first generation of refrigerant products was highly successful, Testo has listened to our customers’ desires to develop a product line with the diversity to meet your most demanding applications. Testo has completely retooled and rewo rked the refrigeration product design from the hook, which is now a quick locking carbineer, to a backlit sight glass that aids in refrigerant recovery allowing the technician to see when the last drops of liquid refrigerant are removed. Larger valve handles that can be recessed or extended make it easier for large or small hands to operate the gauge porting, and valves that can be field serviced or replaced without the need for special tools. Leading the refrigeration industry in innovative technology, Testo will again surpass your expectations in digital refrigeration technology. The next generation has incorporated a long list of new features that will increase measurement accuracy, reduce equipment-servicing time, and provide a means of tamperproof field verification, while streamlining field operations.
Added this year in all instruments is the ability to print the measurement results on site via wireless printer, high stability ceramic relative pressure transducers, a large backlit display, and intuitive user operation. Three and four valve designs are available with a 3/8-evacuation port on four valve manifolds. High durability valve handles with Teflon seats, a backlit sight glass, and display, hose holder with integrated LCD protection, and in 556/560 models wireless temperature sensors and data logging. Incorporated into the 560 is also a vacuum sensor that reads in microns, “hg, or Pascal’s of pressure. With its data storage capabilities (556/560), USB output, real-time graphic capabilities in the online mode, joined with the superior accuracy, no other product made can compete at any level. After several years of rigorous testing in the lab and the field, the digital manifold has been proven to deliver laboratory accuracy results in demanding field service. The multi-functionality, reliability, repeatability, and unique features set the Testo products apart from the competition.
Technicians will appreciate the ease of use, the wide range of applications, including the ability to upgrade to new refrigerants along with the wireless printing capabilities on all instruments from the Testo 523 to the Testo 556/560. Small features like an integrated protective boot and lighter yet more robust design has not been overlooked on all models. Future accessories for the 556/560 models including a wide variety of temperature probes, digital scale, amp clamp, and oil pressure transducer allow for quick verification of proper operation and field documentation or real-time monitoring and troubleshooting.
Pressure-temperatures chart are a thing of the past, and commissioning equipment to anything less than the manufacturer’s standard will become uncommon for all Testo users. Technicians can get more done with higher accuracy and quicker results than ever possible.
Field documentation can be done with little effort, providing any interested party with the information needed to evaluate system operation in the field or the office. Testo has taken a quantum leap forward in AC/R measurements allowing anyone from the lab technician to the service technician to deliver consistently accurate results to owners, manufacturers and end users of air conditioning and refrigeration equipment The Testo 523/556/560 digital refrigeration/air conditioning system analyzers are a multipurpose tool designed for every day use replacing a gauge manifold, superheat or subcooling thermometers, Pressure-Temperature charts, etc. With a rugged hand held versatile tool.
Pressure Sensors Unlike traditional mechanical gauge sets, the Testo 523/556/560 has dual ceramic pressure transducers or pressure-measuring sensors; an advantageously used pressure measurement technology. Ceramic pressure-measuring cells have a measuring accuracy and repeatability that is stable over a very long time; therefore frequent calibration is not needed. The high and low side sensors are selected for an operating range that will provide the highest accuracy for their desired measuring range, allowing accurate pressure measurement over the full range on either side. (.5%fs) The different range of pressure transducers for the high and low sides respectively are calibrated in regards to their zero points, coefficient of thermal expansion, and sensitivity so they can be used in wide ranges of temperatures as extra-high precision pressure transducers. Ceramic pressure transducers are designed so the pressure sensitive part is exposed directly to the measured media. Thanks to excellent chemical resistance, ceramic pressure transducers do not require additional protection from oils, refrigerants, or acids and additionally will withstand the shocks from normal to rough handling without ever affecting the sensor calibration.

While traditional gauges require frequent trips to a calibration house to assure their accuracy (often a procedure never performed), the calibration of the pressure transducers in the 523/556/560 is only recommended annually. The ceramic pressure transducers or sensors can be field nulled, (often referred to as zeroing) and as good practice should be whenever refrigerant pressure is removed from the sensors, or when the hoses are purged to change refrigerant types. A null value is different than having a value of 0, since 0 is an actual value. When a variable has no value, it considered being null. Because all standard pressure gauges are calibrated for sea level, (0 psig) if the sensor was zeroed rather than nulled, the current atmospheric conditions would not be considered. If the gauges were brought back to 0 psig outside of sea level, (a procedure often performed with mechanical gauges and some electronic) the accuracy of the gauge would be affected by the current elevation with respect to sea level.
Because Testo uses a nulling procedure rather than zeroing, the instrument the sensor can be brought back into calibration in relation to the current atmospheric conditions or ambient pressure, which thus serves as a reference pressure. Quite simply, when there is no refrigerant pressure on the sensor, the reference pressure and the sensed pressure are the same. Nulling the RSA sensor brings it back to a perfect zero psig regardless of the atmospheric conditions provided the pressure is removed from the sensors.
Testo Easy Heat Crack
Superheat and Subcooling Measurement Thirty on board temperature pressure charts provide unparalleled detail and accuracy of refrigerant saturation temperatures, superheat and subcooling. Unlike traditional paper charts no interpolation of the temperature-pressure relationship is required.
It is now possible to measure and set superheat and subcooling with laboratory accuracy in the field as the Testo 523/556/560 reads pressures and temperatures to the tenth of a psi and tenth of a degree and automatically calculates real-time superheat and subcooling values. Temperature measurement is just as critical as temperature when commissioning and servicing equipment.
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Temperature The platinum based (platinum film on a ceramic substrate) 4-wire construction, of the spring loaded temperature sensor (Pt-100) has a very low mass (yielding a fast response) and is not affected by stray voltages that may be present on the refrigeration equipment. Unlike traditional K-type thermocouples, the sensor is electrically isolated from the RSA.
Isolating the temperature sensor electrically form the system eliminates the possibility of incorrect temperature measurement resulting from stray electrical currents or ghost voltages often present on improperly grounded refrigeration and air conditioning systems. Because the resistance of a Pt100 sensor bears an absolute relationship to temperature (unlike a thermocouple whose output depends on the difference between the hot junction and cold junction) no special compensating circuit needs to be provided in the electronics. In short, the Pt100 has a wide operating range, excellent accuracy, good linearity, excellent physical strength, long-term stability, and is the preferred sensor for all industrial processes where accuracy and repeatability are required. Additionally, Pt100 probes may be replaced without recalibration of the RSA instruments. Sensors are available in lengths up to 40 feet.
The Velcro-elastic strap provides insulation from ambient air along with positive contact to the refrigeration line from ¼” to 3” in diameter. Air and immersion probes are available to further enhance your testing applications. Time Additionally incorporated into the system analyzer is a new dimension; time. The entire new generation of RSA products incorporates a real time clock that permits accurate documentation of the time and date readings were recorded via the wireless printer or data logging.
Testo was first-to-market with a complete line of refrigeration system analyzers that incorporate data logging, and now the first to bring wireless printing to the complete line. Owners of Testo combustion or other test equipment that already use a wireless printer will benefit from cost savings, as the printer is universal to all Testo products. Data logging (556/560) allows the service technician and or system analyst to evaluate system performance over a period of time from a snapshot to days with easy to use software, A printout of the final operating parameters on all RSA products allows for field documentation of operating at system startup or pre and post operation. Wireless Capability The Testo 556/560 are both upgradeable to wireless temperature capability.
Wireless technology will enable temperature measurement form remote locations for calculation of evaporator superheat at an outdoor condenser, monitoring of return and supply air temperatures for outside, or a remote outdoor air temperature. The wireless probes and the built in temperature probes can be assigned as needed for a number of field applications. Data Management Wireless printing is standard in all models of the new generation of refrigeration analyzers. All measured and calculated parameters can quickly be field documented without error in seconds.
Pre and post measurements allow for documentation of “as found” and “final” performance. System commissioning on new startups or major component repairs like compressor replacement are easily documented for the office and the customer. The most significant advantages of data management and analysis are apparent when data from a Testo 556/560 is read, analyzed and managed in the Testo PC Software. It is now possible for the technician designer, engineer, service manager, or a lead technician to spot trends, benchmark systems, verify proper/design operation, provide real-time system operation to a manufacturer or other interested party in an tamperproof data format that can be graphed to provide a “digital window” into the refrigeration/air conditioning system. In the online mode, system high and low side pressures, saturation pressures, measured temperatures, along with superheat and subcooling can be viewed on an auto-scaling graph real time graphing format. All measurements or each individual measurement can be viewed at once.
System hunting, erratic operation, or other trends can be quickly spotted and documented using the optional software. Testo has not overlooked small, but important details that make the products well suited for field use. Owners of Testo products have come to expect a rugged field service product with such features as water and acid resistance construction, a backlit displays and sight glass, user selectable units, and a battery life indicator to provide flexibility and reliability in their work.
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