Installing Age Of Empires 3

Posted : admin On 20.09.2019

Hi, vielleicht hilft das hier: speziell diese passage: Right here is the lowdown. If your patch is getting stuck at 6%, then just be patient, it is doing some very large files here and it can take a little while depending on the speed of your PC. If your getting the 'invalid patch file' error, download a fresh copy of the patch file and try it again, you have to use a fresh copy of the patch file everytime.

However if you are getting the 'old file not found.blah' message you need to see which file is causing your issues. You can find out which file, by opening the patch.err dowcument in your Age of EMpires III directory, use notepad to open it. If the file is, or, then you need to browse the CD's the game came on and find the file your having problems with, it will be within file which you can open with Winrar. Extract the file and overwrite your original and then re-download a fresh copy of the patch file and try again. If your one of unlucky ones like I was that is getting stuck at 81% on the file then the only guaranteed workaround for it is to install AOE3 on a seperate computer, patch it and hope all goes well, then copy the AOE3 directory from the working machine to the broken one.

You then have to edit your registry to make it think you have updated. Find the Age of Empires 3 key, which I think is at HKLM Software Microsoft Age of Empires 3 and you will find an entry that says Version 1.0, double click it and change it to version 1.01. Run the game and bingo you should be off. As I say this is just a workaround, but it does work 100% Good Luck KiD.

Installing Age Of Empires 3 Art Game

Best Answer: I can totally relate to your tucking frustration. Have you tried uninstalling all AoE versions on your computer and starting from scratch? If all else fails. I bought a Age of Empires 3 CD, however it turns out that it is a crack (so once installed it doesn't need a CD). But now I am having trouble installing the game, (the reason I don't like cracks, too many problems).

Installing age of empires 3 art download

Ive recently got age of empires 3 asian dynastys but borrowed age of empires 3 off my mate so i could play it. He installed aoe3 fine on his computer but during the installation on mine it took around 40mins on on particular file called E: MicrosoftGames AgeOfEmpires3 art3 or sumthing like that.

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Then an error popped up saying please verify that you can access this file. I didnt know what it meant so i clicked retry. It continued installation on that file then 40mins later it said it again. This repeated and repeated until i finally clicked cancel. It happened again when i tried installing it on another drive too.