Awai Copywriting Rapidshare

Posted : admin On 09.10.2019

Looking to determine the BEST copywriting course available? Read this first The Copywriting Course Buyer’s Guide: A 5-Step Checklist for Choosing the Best Instructional Copywriting Program for You 100% FREE and 100% Online! Nothing to Download, No Email Required! February 1, 2018 Posted by Katie Yeakle Every month, we get a deluge of questions from people looking to upgrade their skills by taking a copywriting course.

Most of these requests come from people like you who have a very specific reason (usually one of three reasons you’ll see below) for wanting to find and evaluate the best copywriting course out there. And it’s no wonder. With the massive amount of copywriting courses, books, programs, and workshops advertised, it can be difficult to know which one to choose. So to help you make your decision, we put together this free guide — The Copywriting Course Buyer’s Guide: A 5-Step Checklist for Choosing the Best Instructional Copywriting Program for You The entire guide is published right on this page. There’s nothing to download and no form to fill out. All you need to do is settle in and scroll down. When you’re done, you’ll know everything that we know about making this very important decision Ready to begin?

First, take a second to ask yourself this question Which statement best describes you?. I want a copywriting course that shows me how to make a living as a freelance writer,. I want a copywriting course that will teach me how to sell more of my own product, or. I want a copywriting course that will help me perform better in my copywriting job. Most people who look into a copywriting course do so because they fall into one of the three categories above.

Download get rapidshare Deals-Sales-Discounts blackhat Group Buy (Fabienne Fredrickson’s – The Client Attraction System Only for $22) Download get rapidshare Deals-Sales-Discounts blackhat Group Buy (Marisa Murgatroyd’s – Message to Money 2.0 Only for $22).

If any one of those statements describes you, this Buyer’s Guide is for you. Let’s get started right away with Step 1 Step 1: Closely Evaluate the Program Curriculum To begin, we can’t stress enough the importance of taking sufficient time to closely examine the program curriculum. The curriculum gives you the blueprint of everything you will be learning. As you review the curriculum of any copywriting course, ask yourself, What is the publisher of this program promising me? For example, the AWAI copywriting program is called AWAI’s Accelerated Program for Six-Figure Copywriting and our promise to anyone who takes the program is that upon completion of the program, you will have what you need to write persuasive direct-response copy. Some copywriting courses and programs make similar promises, even though not all of them live up to the hype. A thorough examination of the program’s curriculum is the best ‘gut check’ way to assess the value of what you’re purchasing.

As an example, we’ve included the entire curriculum summary for AWAI’s Accelerated Program for Six-Figure Copywriting right here on this page. It’s 8 screens of detailed descriptions of the 13 Modules that make up the program. Take a look through these Module titles and the descriptions (and the sample pages from inside the program itself), so you can get a real-world benchmark for what the depth and breadth of curriculum for a comprehensive direct-response copywriting program should look like MODULE 1: Getting Started as a Copywriter In Module 1, you'll learn the basics for getting started as a direct-response copywriter. But just because this is 'foundational' work doesn’t mean it lacks substance or usefulness. On the contrary, the fundamentals you discover in this section are the key copywriting techniques that you'll weave into virtually every piece of direct-response copy you ever write! For example, you'll learn all about:.

The Three Fundamental Rules of Selling. The Classic Sales Style — and how to use it.

How to Examine the Buyer Profile. How to make your copy irresistible by planting 'Nuggets of Gold' throughout your letter. Michael Masterson's Tips for POWER WRITING!. Exercises #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, and #6 to help you practice what you've learned so far In Module 1, Michael Masterson teaches you How to Sell Anything, and explains in detail the Three Fundamental Rules of Selling. In Module 1, Don Mahoney teaches you The Secret Structure of Direct Marketing Sales Letters — and shows you exactly how to build these letters for maximum conversion in print and online. MODULE 2: Taking the First Step Towards Copywriting Success The truth is, you could stop reading after Module 1 and you’d know more about direct-response copywriting than 50% of the working copywriters out there today.

But this program is about teaching you the same secrets used by the top direct-response pros in the world. So the learning is just getting started! Michael Masterson’s indoctrination into the world of copywriting began three decades ago at a small newsletter publishing company in Boca Raton, FL. After taking that company to over $100 million in sales, Michael 'retired' for a few years to focus on fiction writing. He came back out of retirement to work with the writers and marketing at Agora Publishing.

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Helping it to grow from a fledgling $8 million company into one of the largest direct-response publishers in the country today — with over $400 million in sales (and always looking for new writers!). Michael has turned several other direct-marketing ventures into multimillion-dollar companies as well. He has been directly involved in the generation of over ONE BILLION DOLLARS of sales through the mail and online. Michael is also a highly-successful author.

He’s published more than a dozen books, including several which have become Wall Street Journal,, or New York Times bestsellers. Why is Michael Masterson’s track record important to you? Because AWAI’s Accelerated Program for Six-Figure Copywriting contains the very same strategies that have generated billions of dollars in sales for companies around the world. Copywriting techniques and strategies that have been proven to work in virtually any industry, in up economies, down economies, and general market conditions of every kind over the past thirty years. Bill is the founder and president of Agora Publishing, one of the world’s most successful consumer newsletter publishing companies, and the author of the free daily email The Daily Reckoning. In Bill’s words: “Agora publishes ideas useful ideas.

Ideas, information, and opinions that make people more independent financially, physically, and intellectually.” Bill is the author of several best-selling books, including Financial Reckoning Day, written with Addison Wiggin, and Mobs, Messiahs, and Markets, written with Lila Rajiva. A true copywriting legend, Bill Bonner has set the standard for “Big Idea” copywriting.

In AWAI’s Accelerated Program for Six-Figure Copywriting, he reveals, among other things, his secret of “indirection” a copywriting technique that keeps your reader glued to the page by leading him seamlessly through a series of persuasive and compelling ideas. Bob is an independent copywriter and consultant with more than 25 years of experience in Business-to-Business, high-tech, industrial, and direct marketing. Publishing giant McGraw-Hill calls him “America’s Top Copywriter” and one look at his pedigree tells you why. He has written copy for over 100 clients including Network Solutions, ITT Fluid Technology, Medical Economics, Intuit, Business & Legal Reports, and Brooklyn Union Gas and has won numerous industry awards. Bob is the author of more than 80 books including The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Direct Marketing (Alpha Books) and The Copywriter’s Handbook (Henry Holt & Co.). His articles have appeared in numerous publications such as DM News, Writer’s Digest, mtrak Express, Cosmopolitan, Inside Direct Mail, and Bits & Pieces for Salespeople.

A master of getting clients and business-building, Bob is extremely generous in sharing his expertise with aspiring copywriters, marketers, and entrepreneurs. To date, he has hired at least a dozen AWAI members to help him in his own publishing ventures.

Bob is always a top-rated speaker at any event, offering entertaining and informative presentations on many different aspects of direct marketing. John has been writing winning controls for going on two decades.

He’s made untold millions for clients in the financial, health, and travel industries. John also works as a copy coach, hosting intense seminars for two or three hundred marketers and copywriters at a time. He’s directly mentored dozens of successful writers and has led or helped lead international copywriting training programs, seminars, and bootcamps in London, Paris, Bonn, Warsaw, Baltimore, and Delray Beach, Florida. John is also the founder and publisher of The Copywriter’s Roundtable, one of the most popular and widely-read e-newsletters for copywriters. Will started out in the field of chemistry, doing research work in a lab.

Awai Writing

However, he wanted a career that would provide him with more connections with people. He became an apprentice to Lee Troxler, a renowned copywriter, and set off on the path to career freedom through copywriting. For more than a decade, Will has worked as a professional copywriter in many different industries. His varied background makes it easy for him to transition from technical industries to other industries like fundraising. He is also a copywriting coach and provides critiquing services for other copywriters.


Awai Members Area

Will is a regular contributor to AWAI publications for copywriters and a long-time presenter at our annual Copywriter’s Bootcamp. PAUL HOLLINGSHEAD. Paul is a co-founder of AWAI. In 1994, while working at a Publix supermarket stocking the shelves, he answered an ad for a direct-mail copywriter and met Don Mahoney and Michael Masterson. Although he knew nothing of copywriting, he worked under Michael and consulted with Don on his first project, which brought in over a million dollars and launched his career. Paul now leads a truly transformed life as one of today’s most sought-after copywriters earning over $300,000 a year from just one client.

In AWAI’s copywriting program, Paul reveals his specialty exactly how to make that all-important emotional connection with your reader. Paul lives in a little historic town in the Vermont countryside, where he continues to produce control after control living the dream life of a freelance copywriter.

Step 3: Look for Evidence of Results If you’re considering investing in a copywriting program for yourself, it’s very likely that you will first want to see evidence that others who have taken the program have achieved results. Note that in this Step 3, you’re not looking for a guarantee of success (nobody can make a promise like that and mean it) but you are looking for plenty of examples — not just two or three — of other people who have achieved results with the program. Why is this important? Because seeing evidence of the consistent, lucrative success of others gives you proof of two things:. the quality of the program material, and.

the transferability of the knowledge contained in the program. If you see plenty of evidence of other people who have taken the program and enjoyed success as a direct result, that’s your indication that the quality and transferability of knowledge is there. Every week, we hear from AWAI members who are using what they’ve learned in the Accelerated Program for Six-Figure Copywriting, to land a great copywriting project, or improve sales of their own products. When promoting the program, we sometimes include two, three, five, or more pages of such success stories. It’s not because we like to brag! It’s because we know that people who are considering investing in themselves want to see proof that the course material actually works.

Here are a handful of examples of the success stories we’ve received from people who completed the program. 'I TAKE JUST ONE CLIENT AND PULL IN $6,000 – $8,000 A MONTH ' “In 2008, I heard the word ‘copywriter’ for the first time. In 2009, I became a ‘full-time’ copywriter. In 2010, I earned twice what I had ever earned working for someone else. By 2011, my taxes were more than I used to earn in a year in the service industry.

“None of this would have been possible if it weren't for AWAI. “Today I write copy for some of the biggest marketers in Health and Financial publishing. And some exciting entrepreneurs.

“The skills I first started to develop when I cracked open the Accelerated Program for Six-Figure Copywriting can now earn me over $10,000 a month in fees if I decide to fill up my schedule with paying work. “When I want to work on my own projects, I take just one client and pull in $6,000 – $8,000 a month. “I do the work on my terms and on my schedule (within reason).

“What did it take to get to this point? Not too much “You need to be smart — common sense smart, not book smart. You need to be highly motivated to be independent. And you need to be able to string together a few coherent sentences. “Everything else you can quickly pick up from experience and from resources like AWAI.” — Henry Bingaman Copywriter for the Health Industry, Pennsylvania. A $60,000 CONTRACT WITHIN 6 MONTHS OF STARTING THE PROGRAM “Making the decision to take the Accelerated Program for Six-Figure Copywriting has allowed me to meet and work with legendary clients and heroes of mine such as Zig Ziglar and Glazer-Kennedy Insider’s Circle and Dan Kennedy. In fact, I did a year-and-a-half project with Ziglar and am currently one of only two contracted copywriters for Glazer-Kennedy Insider’s Circle.

“Most of my clients need so much work done, that I have six month to one-year agreements with them, many of which renew. As a result, in a time where many people are taking pay cuts or, if they’re lucky, receive a 2-3% raise, my income continues to see tremendous increases year over year. Last year, I tripled my income and I’m on track to double it again as of January this year based on the business I’ve already contracted for the year — even if I don’t add any additional projects the rest of the year. “Within six months of starting AWAI’s program, I landed a $60,000 contract and once I established myself, I’ve found it very easy to get clients and ongoing work — in fact, it is not uncommon for me to receive between 1-3 referrals for new business every week. “Even more important than the money I’m earning or the free products, trips, and courses I’ve received from clients as a result of the work I’ve done, is the security I have because of having copywriting as a skill. Because, with this skill, I know that even if I lost all my clients and streams of income today — I know I could replace my income within weeks.” — Cindy Cyr Marketing Strategist & Online Copywriter, Florida.

BANK INDUSTRY DOWNTURN LEADS TO NEW OPPORTUNITIES “Having spent over a decade writing direct mail and customer acquisition materials for a roster of clients in the banking industry, the crash of the financial industry was an unpleasant experience. Thankfully, all the training I’d received in persuading prospects from AWAI’s Accelerated Program for Six-Figure Copywriting could be easily applied to a new niche. Using the fundamental rules for selling, the formulas for effective headlines, and the closing techniques from that program, I was able to start over writing for companies I like and buy from! “Companies desperately need copywriters who can effectively sell their products and services. And with the addition of the Web, the need for copy is escalating daily — like a monster that constantly needs to be fed. Trained copywriters are in the best position to create communications that will attract customers and increase sales. Thanks to AWAI, I understand how to provide those services, and make an unlimited income doing it.” ― Nan Hughes Marketing Consultant and Web Writer, Illinois.

HE’S NOW THE MAIN WRITER FOR CHAIN OF FITNESS STUDIOS “When I discovered the Accelerated Program for Six-Figure Copywriting, I had my doubts. I didn't know a single person who called themselves a copywriter, and I wasn't entirely confident that an online correspondence-type program could deliver. “I'm happy to report that my doubts were quickly erased. Within two years of completing the program, I launched my full-time freelance business.


The Accelerated Program gave a beginner like me a solid foundation in the art of copywriting. But it also taught me more advanced skills like the Principle of Intimacy and 3-Step Copy Cleaning System that most professional copywriters don't even know. “More important than the skills, it gave me the confidence to go after, and land, some pretty good clients. I had the chance to work with master marketer and best-selling author Dan Kennedy on a copywriting project. For over two years now, I've been the main writer for a chain of fitness studios in southern California, helping them grow their customer base by 157% and double their locations.

“Here's the thing. If you can write strong, persuasive copy, there will always be companies who want to hire you. The demand for good copywriters isn't going away, and the Accelerated Program for Six-Figure Copywriting does the best job of any program I've seen training people to become good copywriters.” ― Steve Roller Web Content Copywriter, Madison, Wisconsin. 'I'VE MULTIPLIED MY INCOME 5 TIMES ' “Before I discovered copywriting, I was the guy at the utility company who answered the phone when you called to argue about your bill. Or when your service had been shut off because you didn't pay. (Not YOU, of course!) In the seven or so years since then, I've multiplied my income more than 5 times ― and I work from home or the local coffee shop.

“I now work exclusively with Casey Research, a highly-regarded investment newsletter publisher. I chose investment writing for a couple of reasons. First, the money — it's one of the biggest and highest-paying niches within direct-response publishing. And second, I'm genuinely interested in investing and the financial market — it fascinates me. I went from a freelancer working with them on a per-project basis to Copywriting Creative Lead and acting as ‘Copy Chief’ for their entire team. “This role lets me help define the marketing for their brand — while giving me a lot of personal upside as I help the company grow. “If you want to be successful in financials or any other field of copywriting, you have to dedicate yourself to learning the fundamentals of what works in direct response.

AWAI — and their huge network of experts — helps you fast-track that learning process. And believe me — the world needs good copywriters.

I'm regularly getting recruitment letters from various financial publishers interested in paying me well to write for them. “If you dedicate yourself to learning this craft, they could easily be knocking on your door next!” — Roy Furr Copywriter for the Financial Industry, Lincoln, Nebraska.

'A FOUR-FIGURE CONTRACT RIGHT OUT OF THE GATE ' “If you want to become a freelance copywriter, there’s no better training than the Accelerated Program for Six-Figure Copywriting. “I was actually working as a staff copywriter when I decided to go freelance. But even with my experience, I wasn’t sure I had the skills to succeed.

The Accelerated Program made all the difference. “Not only did it teach me advanced direct-response techniques that immediately made me a better copywriter, it gave me the confidence I needed to start a thriving freelance business. “In fact, my very first sales letter got me a four-figure contract right out of the gate. And by applying the techniques taught in this Accelerated Program, every project I’ve taken on has been a winner. “Now, I stay busy with direct response and web copywriting projects. And after little more than a year of freelancing, I even have potential clients calling me out of the blue to find out if I’m available. “Without a doubt, AWAI and the skills I learned in the Accelerated Program for Six-Figure Copywriting have been key to my business success.

Awai Copywriting Rapidshare

Whether you’re new to copywriting or already have experience, it doesn’t matter. This program can help you succeed.” — Kathryn Aragon DeSoto, Texas Why All the Success for AWAI Program Members? As these testimonials show, you can make a very good living as a copywriter. But you may also be interested to know that AWAI offers many opportunities to connect with real clients once you’ve taken the program through their NETWORK of clients. Here’s a sample of companies who have hired AWAI-trained copywriters.

Nielsen. Acres Gaming, Inc. Aerospace Project Management. Agora Financial Publishing. American Cancer Society. American Writers & Artists Inc. (AWAI).

Americans for Technology Leadership. Antioch Energy. Applied Research Corp. Asset Protection Group, Inc. Association for Competitive Technology.

Atlantispa. Ava Maria Handmade Chocolates. B&B Electronics. Bayer Chemicals. Belvoir Media Group.

Better Life Herbal. Blue Cross/Blue Shield. Boardroom Inc. Bob Bly Center for Technical Communication (CTC). Boy Scouts of America, Montana Council. Brian Tracy International.

Casey Research. Castle Valley Outdoors. Central Jersey Symphony Orchestra. Christian Children's Fund. Clayton Makepeace’s The Total Package.

ClimbOn Inc.

Computer House Calls. Corel Corporation. CrossFit Milwaukee.

Curves. Design Team Incorporated. Dr. Sears Wellness Group. Early to Rise. Experimental Aircraft Association. Families for Depression Awareness. Fleet Street Publishing. Freaky Bean Coffee Co. Free Medicine Foundation. General Dynamics. Get Healthy and Fit.

Gift Shops of America. Glazer-Kennedy Inner Circle. Global Real Estate Ventures. Google.

Harper College. Health Sciences Institute. Hoffmann-La Roche Pharmaceuticals. IDEXX Laboratories.

International Game Technology, Inc. International Living. Investor's Action Alliance. Kovacs Consulting LLC.

Lawnscapers. Learn Today Lead Tomorrow (LTLT). Lifebook. L.L. Bean.

Lockheed Martin. Lombardi Publishing. Maine Education Services. MBS Electronic Systems. Microsoft. Midwest IP.

Midwest Pest Control. Mike Ryan Fitness. Money Map Press. National Republican Congressional Committee.

New Market Health. Newsmax Media, Inc. Nightingale-Conant. Opportunity Travel. Perry Marshall.

Pet Health Network. Pill Free Vitamins. Precious Moments Inc. Right Way Trader. Schaeffer's Investment Research.

Scholastic Book Fairs. Show Me What's Solutions from Science. Sony Media Software. South Street Seaport Museum.

St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.

Stargate Technologies, Inc. For the Aspiring Copywriter A Great Way to Quickly Develop Your Skills “For the aspiring copywriter new to the arena of persuasive writing, AWAI’s Accelerated Program for Six-Figure Copywriting is a great way to quickly develop your skills. BONUS #1: THE GOLDEN THREAD — OUR WEEKLY E-LETTER JUST FOR COPYWRITERS As a member of AWAI’s Accelerated Program for Six-Figure Copywriting, you’ll immediately start receiving your FREE subscription to The Golden Thread — our weekly e-letter featuring writing tips, advice, and success stories. It’s a constant stream of practical knowledge and new wisdom delivered right to your inbox every week. The Golden Thread will educate and motivate you. And it will be just one of many sources for finding paying assignments when the time comes for you to start writing for money. BONUS #2: ACCESS TO MEMBERS-ONLY WEBSITE You’ll also be given access to AWAI’s Members-Only Website.

Check out the latest job list get answers to questions you may have and search the over 1,500 articles archived there. BONUS #3: ACCESS TO MEMBERS-ONLY SUPPPORT COMMUNITY There’s also the AWAI Member Forum, where AWAIers talk about their new copywriting careers, build friendships, and form copy circles and buddy groups.

It’s a great place for like-minded people to meet and share ideas. BONUS #4: INVITATION TO MEMBERS-ONLY COPYWRITER’S BOOTCAMP AND JOB FAIR Then there’s our Annual Copywriter’s Bootcamp and Job Fair, which has become the event of the year for up-and-coming writers to mingle with experts, meet marketers, and learn the latest copywriting secrets in a fast-paced and dynamic environment. (Job Fair attracts dozens of marketing professionals who are searching for new copywriters. There’s a long list of our members who have landed lucrative jobs and assignments there.) BONUS #5: ACCESS TO MEMBERS-ONLY ONLINE JOB BOARD!, our exclusive Online Job Board, where marketers and writers come together.

As I said, AWAI is more and more becoming the place the industry turns to for copywriters to write the volume of letters that need to be written. And with the industry’s demand for copywriters growing — and the reputation of our program and the members who complete it getting stronger — we knew we had to provide a way for marketers to place their job ads one day and have a writer in place the next. was the result. As an AWAIer, you’ll have full access to this service — and it’s free! All of this is meant to do two things for you: 1) Prepare you to take your place among the top copywriters in the country, and 2) Help you launch your copywriting career. BONUS #6: LIFETIME PROGRAM UPGRADES Because the copywriting industry is always changing, when you buy this Program, you get updates to course material — FOR LIFE!

This is your guarantee that you stay up-to-speed on the latest developments in copywriting — such as web copywriting and writing for hot niche markets — as we add these updates to the curriculum. Anytime an update is added, you get access to it, FREE.

(Just try getting that from any book, workshop, or college course!) There you have it. We hope this detailed Buyer’s Guide has helped you answer all the questions you had about selecting the copywriting program that’s right for you. Before you go, take a look at this special offer TRY OUR ‘TAKE IT HOME TODAY’ 30-DAY TRIAL If you compare the AWAI program with any copywriting course out there, you may agree with Copyblogger, Bob Bly, Clayton Makepeace, and other copywriting experts that this is simply THE best program to take if you want to learn to write persuasive copy. But if you want to take a closer look at the actual program — that is, examine it risk-free for a full 30 days, check out this very special offer SPECIAL OFFER! Through this special offer — you can actually access the entire program, and examine the program (and all the bonuses) risk-free for just $99.40. That’s complete access to everything for a full 30 days. Plenty of time to continue your evaluation of what’s recognized as the best copywriting program available — but with the benefit of being able to actually GO THROUGH THE ACTUAL PROGRAM while you decide!

If it’s not for you, let us know, and we’ll simply (and immediately) deactivate your access code and refund your $99.40 — no questions asked. But if you want to continue with your copywriting training beyond the 30-day “try it out” period — and take advantage of a lifetime of program updates, interactive learning opportunities, and ongoing access to writing jobs and industry news that are included — simply do nothing and we’ll elevate you from “provisional” to “full-time” copywriter status for a mere $397. We’ll even break up that final payment into four monthly payments of $99.40, which we’ll charge to your credit card for each of the four months following your 30-day trial. In other words, for a total of $497, you can be well on your way to learning and mastering a skill that can transform your life — and your income — in so many ways. You’ll get everything you need to live the writer’s life, including full online access to the program and the AWAI members-only website, all practice writing exercises, your email subscription to The Golden Thread, your access to (where real marketers come looking for up-and-coming copywriters), and we’ll even throw in access to the Hall of Fame catalog book, which is packed with some of the most successful sales letters of all time.

Plus This Second Guarantee But we’re not finished guaranteeing your success just yet Even after your 30-day trial, we still want you to take a full year to get your writing career on track. And if it doesn’t happen — you pay nothing.

Here’s how it works: Sign up for the program now for $99.40 and you’ll have full access to the program for the next 30 days. If you decide it’s not for you, let us know, and we’ll refund your $99.40 in full — no questions asked. If you want to continue with the program and learn this invaluable skill, simply do nothing and on the 31st day of your membership, we’ll charge your credit card an additional $99.40, once a month, for the next four months. After that, you’re through paying. You’re a full member of AWAI’s Accelerated Program for Six-Figure Copywriting — with lifetime access to the online program and all the benefits that come with it (including ongoing updates and additions). Then, take a full year to master the skills and grow your career. Work on the program and start landing clients.

If it’s not everything you imagined — or if you happen to decide copywriting just isn’t for you — let Member Services know within that year and we’ll send you all your money back all $497 of it no questions asked. Why are we going to such great lengths to ensure you’re completely comfortable and satisfied with the opportunity we’re offering you today? It’s because one thing we’ve learned over 15 years of showing people how to become successful copywriters is that our reputation is only as good as the people whose careers we help launch. If you’re serious about a writing career, we’ll be here to help you master the skills whenever you need us. But if it turns out it’s not for you, the last thing we want is you left with that nagging feeling that you “wasted” your money.

That’s why we’ve structured this offer the way we have:. You can try it for very little money up front and no risk whatsoever. Then take a full year to see if the writer’s life is for you — again, with absolutely zero risk. Click here to Or if you’d prefer to place your order with someone in our office, please call Barb, Daffodil, Taya, Dawn, or Shantek toll-free at 1-866-879-2924 during regular business hours. (We’re in Florida, on Eastern Time.) Remember, there’s no risk for an entire year.

Sincerely, Katie Yeakle Executive Director, AWAI.