Phillips Isite

Posted : admin On 26.09.2019

Philips Updates IntelliSpace PACS 4.4 With New Features. At RSNA 2012, Philips will highlight updates to its IntelliSpace PACS (picture archiving and communications system). The Philips iSite PACS API is a standardized external interface requiring third party validation for connecting products and solutions.


On June 12, Radiology Engineering in partnership with Philips installed an updated version of Philips IntelliSpace (iSite). The purpose of the update included additional storage capacity, compatibility with Epic 2017, security patches, and added functionality. Soon after the installation, we began receiving reports of Epic error messages, system crashes when attempting to view an image, and loss of workflow specific functionality. We have been in discussions with both Epic and Philips on a daily basis. It has been determined to be a Philips technical issue. We are working with Philips to try to resolve this issue as soon as possible.

We will continue to work diligently on your behalf to pressure our vendor for a resolution. Updates are available on the ESC portal:.

You should be able to run it on wine (as I did). Setup Homebrew (and make sure 'brew doctor' is clean.

Philips Isite Download

Then run 'brew install wine' on the terminal. I also had to run 'brew install gcc' before getting wine installed (brew told me to do it), and both installations took a very long time. After that, 'cd /Volumes/PHI-DATA' (replacing PHI-DATA with the name of your CD, thats just the name of mine) then 'wine ISITEMEDIAVIEWER.EXE' and you can run the viewer program. Have not found a way to extract the photos to a non-proprietary format like JPEG though.