Belly Dance Bvh Files In 3ds

Posted : admin On 31.10.2019

Hi folks, below is the list of free motion captures in bip format for 3ds max. collapseanddie1.bip. collapseanddie2.bip. diefallback.bip. diespin.bip.

diespin3.bip. diespin4.bip. diespinjump6.bip. diestabbelly.bip. electrocuteddie.bip.

faintdie.bip. fall2.bip. fall3.bip. falling.bip. falling2.bip.

Bvh file converter

falling3.bip. flailvert2.bip. poisoneddie.bip. shotfallforward.bip. writhedropkneesdie.bip These free mocap is provided by and you need to request password to download these files.

Bvh Free

Glad to see you got it working Jerry! It's an amazing tool. One little tip, as I mentioned earlier, some fuse/mixamo characters end up with crossed wrists, when holding guns, this is as Bored said before because the fuse/mixamo arms are quite a bit longer than the arms of characters created for GG.

It's easy to fix this in fuse, simply go to the customize tab, and click on your characters arm, then in the list of settings to the right find overall arm size, and scale it down, I've found bringing it down to between 40 and 50 works quite well. I'd also recommend dropping the finger length a bit too, when they're put into GG they seem disproportionately long. BTW, did I mention that I love Raf and Bored?:p. Thanks for the tip, Belidos!

  1. Dance Girl returns! This time it's Belly Dancing inspired by the sensual moves of the Far East. Featured in this package are no less than FIVE dance routines saved as animated poses (will work with P7+ and DS3+), along with 10 action dancin' poses!
  2. Dancer 3D models. 137 3D Dancer models available for download. 3D Dancer models are ready for animation, games and VR / AR projects. Use filters to find rigged, animated, low-poly or free 3D models. Available in any file format including FBX, OBJ, MAX, 3DS, C4D.

BVH Dancing Pack 1 Download. This is a small pack of some dancing BVH animations for Cinema 4D or any other program that imports BVH, I only know of Cinema 4D, I'm sure 3DS MAX could. By admin 2012-09-27. Mocap Female Catwalk BVH File to Download Video.

I got it working on the laptop as well. The problem was the NVidia graphics card. When I switched to the Intel integrated graphics, it works fine. Odd, but it works! EDIT: Strange, but I realized today thanks to this that any program written in DBPro will not work with NVidia on this laptop any more.

Bvh file format

Bvh File Converter

I was messing with Reloaded earlier and it wouldn't run (correctly) either. So I tried Animer. It behaves just like FBX2GG. I wonder if it's a driver update affecting this. Quote: 'I pop back into GG forums once in awhile to check on the 3rd person progress, seeing this, is it just for your NPC's or for player characters as well. I saw a mention of the wizard animations, so could you apply this to a character for 3rd person?

At the moment, it's still the same, only the wizard or custom animations work with third person, and only the staff weapon works on them (although there is someone on the forum who has with some jiggery pokery and a lot of work created other weapons that work in third person, but he's not ready to release them yet until he's refined them a lot). As to the tool, looking at it I don't think it copies over the wizard animations, it has the GG animations for the Uber Soldier, various other soldiers from the base characters, and the skeleton, knight, archer, and barbarian from the fantasy pack built in, and you can import your own FBX animations so far. But i'm pretty sure if someone sent an email, and asked, they might add it in a later update, try emailing and asking.

Quote: 'Belidos could you make a video tut to show changing animation frames in the fpe. And what anims are relevant. And what are not. To be honest I don't know specifically what is and what isn't needed, i'm sill learning myself. Basically what I do is I copy the FPE from the closest stock character to the one that I'm making (eg if it's a pistol character I will use the soldier FPE and script, if it's a medieval warrior with a sword I will use the Knight FPE and script from the fantasy pack etc), then edit it and replace all of the csi lines with the animation frames of my custom animations that come closest to the ones filled out in the original stock FPE. That way you know you have at least got all the animations you need.

There's only really two tips I can give you: 1. Unarmed1 and Unarmed 2 are meant to be punches and kicks, but I don't think any of the LUA scripts use them, but if you don't put anything in them it messes up your death and instead of dying and falling on the floor it will die and play the 0 frame animation, so stick an idle animation in there. This is something Lee mentioned a while back, any of the csi references that are blank in the original FPE afe blank because the LUA script that character uses either doesn't use them, or has the frames for those animations already written in the script, so on custom characters, always put some frames in there from outside of your frame range, ie if the character has 500 frames, then put in each of the blank ones 501,502. That way it will override the LUA frames and stop it from playing some random out of place animation. That's obviously for completely custom characters with custom animations of course, it's a bit simpler for character using the GG animations imported by this software. All you need to do is put all the animations on as shown in Bored's video, then using the FPE for the stock character that is closest to the one you want just edit the top line (I forget what its called) to the name of your character, delete the texture from the texture line, and change the.x model name to the.x model you are using. As simple as that.

Belidos thanks for the tips. Will be helpful. @ Bored of the Rings. I haven't purchased yet waiting for more info and possible video tuts. I currently use iclone and 3d exchange for same thing swapping out animation between characters, and custom anims still would like to see a proper breakdown of the csi anims or a custom csi we can easy edit for custom work. Or see a custom lua script added to the hard coded one.

Mabie someone could come up with a converter or program to easy edit anims with a visual viewer outside of GG. For easy import of custom characters, mabie bypass the anims not needed or hard coded breaking down the csi to a standard script. Ie walk strafe run jump and shoot ect as most of the csi anims are not used yet i imagine they will not be used for a while until more advanced work on the engine collision ect is done. Lee should have implemented this at the start, the hard coded scripts should have started out basic then run there course. Its nice to see what the animation could be like but sometimes to complicated to get a proper work around for non scripters.

Quote: 'thanks Belidos, saved me a load of time, much appreciated ' No problem, I can't say that it's 100% accurate and doesn't have mistakes, but it seems about right by what I've seen so far. I forgot to mention that al the csistood and csi-crouch commands are the armed ones, they work for all the modern weapons, however there are csshotgun, uzi, rpg, rifle commands too, they should match the armed animations and are obviously specific for those weapons, I assume (but i'm not sure) they're there for the uber soldier set which contains animations for all of them and the uber soldier script calls them depending on which weapon you've set it up with, but I don't know if they work or if it was something they thought about doing and only half implemented it. TIP 1: If the program crashes while importing FBX anims (and even if it doesn't), you can continue to add animation frames to the characters you are working on. If you find the program keeps crashing then it may be due to mesh issues. Try putting it through the meshview program if you have it. Simply copy the directx file over to C:/rtemp, rename it to 'maintempmeszka8925.x' (maybe make a backup of the one that's already there just in case).

Open up FBX2GG and select file 'restore after crash'. Then select 'edit-prepare skeleton for FBX animations', and continue to import anims.

TIP 2: If your character comes out deformed after importing into GG, use the Mixamo Decimator program and select between 20 and 100%. Decimator can be found here You will need to log in using your Mixamo login details. For the Pumkinhulk character I used 95% and then re-imported the anims again but he was fine in GG but first came out like he'd gone through a cheese grator TIP 3: If you don't want your character to use ragdoll but want to use the character's own death anim add this code to the exit part of the LUA function: (1) - turn off ragdoll in FPE or remove the ragdoll line totally from FPE (2) - add this code: function exit(e) PlayCharacterSound(e,'onDeath') aisoldierstatee = 'dead' ModulateSpeed(e,1.0) CharacterControlLimbo(e) SetAnimationSpeed(e,1.0) SetAnimationFrames(469,584). Quote: 'Ok i got my first dancer into GG only issues so far was the textures it saves them all separately so you end up with all black, and the skin looks a little odd (was she supposed to be growing a beard?) lol the dancing animations work in the tool but not had them running in GG yet' 1.

If it's a mixamo/fuse character then it's meant to have multiple textures, you should have body, top, bottoms, eyes, eyewear, hair etc, bascally one for each component that can be changed in fuse, plus normal and speculars (hopefully Raf will add the ability to convert them into single texture atlases some time in the future). When you are save out the textures, make sure you save them in the same folder as your.x model. The model has all the texture references inside it, as long as the textures are in the same folder you don't need to add the texture to the FPE, so leave the line 'textured = ' blank, otherwise you will end up with black textures. To me it looks like you've reference the body texture in the FPE instead of leaving it blank. Probably your biggest mistake then, DO NOT use the GG importer, you don't need to, its already GG ready, all you need is to write up the FPE and create a BMP, putting it through the importer will mess up the textures on multi-texture models.

You can use the importer really, but you have to fix the FPE after you have imported because it 1. References the.dbo instead of the.x, 1.

Adds a single texture line when you need it to be referenced from the model, and 3. Doesn't add the animations. Post your FPE here mate i'll see what needs changing. Quote: 'Apparently, Mixamo animations are not compatible with ACG characters' I think that's because of the naming convention for the bones, renaming the bones in a modelling program to match the Mixamo/Fuse bones should in theory make them compatible. Hmn, I wonder if there's a python script for 3DS that converts ACG to Mixamo naming conventions, like the Mixamo to Bip script. Alternatively you could download them from ACG, then upload them to Mixamo and rig them, then download them and put them through FBX2GG.