Latex Template For Conference Program Designs
Posted : admin On 23.10.2019SCOPE T he SoC Design Track focuses on practical SoC design and design methods and is suited for SoC designers, developers, and engineers working in industry or on industrial projects. This track is intended to complement SOCC's research oriented program with industrial development experiences and case studies. Design Track submissions require a two-page extended abstract according to the format below and will be published on the SOCC website and in the conference program. They also require a 15-minute oral presentation at the conference in front of an audience. GENERAL GUIDELINES All extended abstracts must be in English, and submitted in PDF format through our web page.
Using the LaTeX Resume Templates. A group of resume templates, originally designed by the Rensselaer Career Development Center, are available in LaTeX format. There are two files for each style: a PDF file for viewing with your PDF Viewer (probably Acrobat Reader), and a.tex file (the source) for copying.
Please comply with the following guidelines. In certain cases, non-compliance may lead to rejection or exclusion from publication.
The extended abstract must discuss only new and previously unpublished results. The extended abstract must be formatted according to the and must not exceed 2 pages, including figures and references. The extended abstract must address at least one category specified in the Call for Papers. Each accepted Design Track submission is required to have at least one 'Full Conference' (member or non-member) registration by July 13, 2018, from one of the authors. Student or IEEE life member registrations will not be counted towards this requirement. For authors with multiple accepted papers, one full registration is valid for up to 3 papers. SOCC conducts a double-blind peer review process and a plagiarism check.
In submitting your manuscript for the review process, you must leave the author and affiliation section in the manuscript blank. Also, you must remove any information in the manuscript that refers to the author identity or affiliation (such as acknowledgements). Submissions not respecting the blind review requirements or not passing the plagiarism check will be rejected. SOCC will also not accept any double-submission that is either under review by or has been accepted for another conference, or journal. No-Show Policy All papers that are accepted must be presented at the conference, either by the authors themselves, or via a proxy capable of answering questions regarding the presented work.
For Poster presenters, physical presence is required throughout the poster session. In case a paper (oral or poster) is not presented at the conference, it shall be deemed a “no-show.” No-shows will be removed from post-conference distribution and will not be available on IEEE Xplore ® or other public-access IEEE forums.
WHAT IS AN EXTENDED ABSTRACT?. An extended abstract is a short article where your work is presented in a concise way. The aim of an extended abstract is to share ideas and results in a way that is easily accessible to the reader, e.g. Your peers and the conference staff. The extended abstract should be understood in less than one hour. The extended abstract must include similar aspects and information expected in a regular research paper, but more focused on practical design and design methods, without being too detailed. A common disposition is to divide it into the following sections (not all are obligatory):.
Introduction: The introduction usually contains a background and/or a motivation for your work including comparison to related work. Approach: A description of your work including the relevant methods used to solve the problem. Experiments: Description of the experiments or measurements made if applicable. Results: Presentation of the result obtained.
If possible, use descriptive figures or tables rather than explain in text. Do not discuss or interpret the results at this stage.
Discussion: Discuss the results. What conclusions can you draw? Put your results in perspective by comparing to other work or generally accepted knowledge in the field.
Criticise your own method and results, for example, with respect to any simplifications made. The extended abstract will be assessed with respect to the relevance of the work in the field of SoC design, the relevance of the introduction, results and discussion, the ability to clearly pass on the message, and the overall impression.
Don't overlook the importance of the introduction, figures, examples, and conclusions (and measurements if applicable) in an extended abstract. Some things that can be omitted from an extended abstract: future work, details of proofs or implementation that should seem plausible to reviewers, ramifications not relevant to the key ideas of the abstract. Please note that you are free to arrange the material as you wish, and you can focus on a particular point that interests you, as long as all aspects above are covered. FORMAT In order to achieve the same appearance for all manuscripts, SOCC requires the usage of the, available in Microsoft Word and LaTeX format.
Conference Poster Latex Template
Please do only use the US Letter size templates. A4 size will not be accepted by the system. PDF A pdf file should be prepared using the following guidelines:. Do not set any file security on any files. Do not use other fonts than the ones used in the template.
Sample Conference Program Template
However, if it should become necessary for any reason to use any other font, avoid the usage of non-English fonts, especially Asian fonts. ALL fonts must be accurately included in the PDF file as an 'Embedded Subset.' SUBMISSION Paper submission is done via the and will open soon. Please watch our web site for updates.