Install Mysql Using Inno Setup Msi

Posted : admin On 28.09.2019

Suzuki worldwide epc 5 keygengurus. Hi everyone, I'm new to these Forums, but not totally new to mysql. I have an application that needs MySQL, and am running in to problems with the automatic installation using the msi. I had installed my application, and it didn't run, so i uninstalled everything, fixed some things, and tried again.

Inno setup compiler

Inno Setup Compiler

Issue: Using Inno Setup 5, I call a batch file to install mysql, but once msiexec mysql.msi is called, it starts it up but quickly stops, without installing MySQL. If I try to install manually by double clicking on the mysql.msi file, it works fine. I wonder if it is because some Registry keys were left behind, making msiexec think it is still installed? I had uninstalled MySQL using add/remove Programs from Control Panel. Here is my script: rem echo off msiexec /i mysql-essential-5.1.31-win32.msi /passive INSTALLDIR='%1 MySQL MySQL Server 5.1' DATADIR='%1 MySQL MySQL Server 5.1' /L. C: MSI-MySQL-Log.txt echo MySQL Version 5.1.31 installed.

Install Mysql Using Inno Setup Msi

Inno Setup Examples

'%1 MySQL MySQL Server 5.1 bin mysqld.exe' -install-manual MySQL -defaults-file='%1 MySQL MySQL Server 5.1 my.ini' echo MySQL Service Installed. NET START MySQL echo MySQL Service Started. '%1 MySQL MySQL Server 5.1 bin mysqladmin' -uroot password. echo MySQL Instance Configured. '%1 MySQL MySQL Server 5.1 bin mysqladmin' -uroot -p. create. echo Migrant Registry Database Installed.

Msiexec /i /passive /L. C: MSI-MySQL-Data-Log.txt echo MySQL ODBC Connector installed. I've removed the passwords and database names just to be safe:-). I pass the file the Program Files folder, since I need to be able to install either on Spanish or English Windows versions.

Silent Install Builder. By apreltech on 2015-12-16 In Video. Using the Silent Install Builder to create an EXE or MSI packages. Create unattended Installation of NSIS, Inno Setup, MSI, Install Shield, and other installers. I am using Inno Setup to build installer. I want to force user to install driver at the end of installation. My driver installation will prompt the user to restart the machine. If i use Post Install Flag in Run section, i am able to achieve it, but here i am giving an option for the user to decide whether to install or not.